Kilometer registration

A clear view of the kilometers driven

Our solutions

A complete overview of kilometers driven with kilometer registration

Kilometer registration | Vehicle Tracking System | Track car | Traxgo

Are you in a sector where the staff has to cover many miles or kilometers almost every day? And is this also a significant part of your company? Then it is best to use specific mileage or kilometer registration for this!

At Traxgo we use very user-friendly software. This software enables you to easily keep track of the mileage allowance. As a result, there is no longer any uncertainty about how many miles have actually been driven and whether the kilometer allowance is justified.

With Traxgo's trip registration, everything is automatic. As this minimizes errors, the determination of the mileage is always completely accurate and reliable. And these are certainly not the only advantages of our software. You should also consider features such as:

  • Request at any time: You have access to the information about the kilometer registration at any time of the day. This means that you have the complete administration in your hands at any time. This saves a lot of time in administration. Improved insight with Traxgo's software helps your business move forward.
  • Visual display: Thanks to the visual component of the software you can see very precisely which routes have been driven and which are currently being driven. This makes it very clear to see at a glance where everyone is.
  • Detailed fleet management: In addition, there is the possibility to keep a lot of standard data via the software. Matters such as maintenance, inspections and insurance must be kept up to date. The Traxgo software therefore has enough space built in to do this.
  • Track and trace: The Traxgo software works by registering and forwarding the kilometers driven to our server. As mentioned, these are then visually displayed on a map or in a table.

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Thanks to all these features of the Traxgo software, you minimize loss of time. Nothing is more annoying than entering all kinds of forms to keep track of the mileage. With the use of our software, this is no longer necessary. So you save a lot of time.

Consider, for example, the tax return or the calculation of the transport costs. These kinds of things usually take a lot of effort. How nice is it when this process is fully automated? With Traxgo's software, it's just a matter of a few clicks and you'll have everything you need at your disposal.

Are you currently working in a company that requires a lot of mileage to be tracked? And do you feel that improvement and optimization is possible? Please contact Traxgo.

If you are interested in the software, ask questions or request more information, please contact us directly. We are happy to help you to have the mileage recording arranged once and for all. Ultimately, your satisfaction is our top priority.